About Us

What We Provide?

  1. Automating tasks and processes that would otherwise require human intervention or expertise, such as content creation, data analysis, customer support
  2. Enhancing the functionality and performance of existing software products or services, such as web design, marketing, sales, education
  3. Enabling users to create, launch, and scale their own applications or businesses without coding or technical skills, such as marketplaces, CRMs, chatbots
  4. Providing access to cutting-edge AI technologies and tools, such as natural language processing, computer vision, generative models

We are a trusted partner in our clients' AI journey

Successful Implementations
0 k+
Client Satisfaction Rate
0 %
Awards and Recognitions
0 +
Growth and Expansion
0 %

Delivering the best solutions with AI

Our mission is to empower businesses with AI-powered solutions that increase productivity, improve decision-making and drive growth.
Since 2016 we have been passionate about helping our clients harness With a team of AI experts and data scientists their full potential & stay competitive in an increasingly digital world.

The core values behind our work


We’re committed to exploring new technologies, and finding


We set high standards for our work & we are dedicated team


We believe in the power of collaboration, working closely


We uphold the highest ethical honesty in all our interactions

We always want to connect our clients

AI accessible and beneficial for organizations, and we look forward to partnering with businesses to achieve their AI goals.
  • Website: www.teleflixpay.com
  • Email: business@teleflixpay.com
  • Phone: +44 7308 645484